Abhishek Wondering... (Podcasts)
Day - 1(30)

Day - 1(30)

This is day 1 of a 30 day focussed schedule that I am going after.

This series of posts is only for me.

The 7 things I am going to do daily are the following:-

  1. Go to Gym for atleast 10 mins daily.

  2. Meditation twice a day for atleast 10 mins each. Stretching Yoga and Pranayam for 10 mins everyday.

  3. Lakshmi Strotr(mom suggested) 3 times a day.

  4. 2 laps of continuous swimming every day.

  5. Guitar and singing for 20 mins every day.

  6. Not predetermined, singular, calm focus until completion mindset, may what come.

  7. Sangini and Aru’s daily routine with worksheet and mom’s videos.

  8. Write a book review daily for a book I read.

Abhishek Wondering... (Podcasts)
Flowing Thoughts
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Abhishek Sharma